My journey

Tara Joy by lion statue in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

It took a global pandemic for me to acknowledge I am an empath and an energy healer. Early in 2020, I started to open up more and started daily meditation work to ease my anxiety and calm my internal struggles. Whenever anyone talked about reiki, my palms and feet would tingle. I didn’t know it at the time, but there are energy portals in our hands and feet and while doing reiki healing you use your hands to focus the energy on certain parts of the body. I believe I was being called to learn more about this sacred energy healing modality.

The rest of 2020 was a series of synchronistic events that lead me to a spiritual coach who I have formed a deep friendship with, a local class about being a highly sensitive person (HSP), to a local reiki master and teacher, Donna Jones, and to a shamanic practitioner who held a private six month mentorship program in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

I completed my level one reiki certification in Nov of 2020, my level two certification in March of 2021, and ended a shamanic mentorship program in March of 2022.

The beautiful thing about energy healing is that the person receiving the energy does not need to fully believe in everything about it. As long as they are open to it they can benefit from its healing benefits.

If this resonates with you and you feel called to booking an appointment, I would love to help in your healing journey.


“In a society that says, ‘Put yourself last,’ self-love and self-acceptance are revolutionary.”

Brené Brown